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Growing numbers of Australians Reject Newscorp Publications because the blatant right wing propaganda is overwhelming .

For more and more Newsagents around Australia this is the daily result of unsold Herald Sun, The Australian and The Age newspapers.

Below is a photograph from last weekend outside a local newsagent from inner Melbourne. The Age ones are the two piles furthest away, all the rest are Murdoch Newspapers. It is further evidence Newscorp is losing money hand over fist with it's print media.

Many of us can remember a time when it was an Australian ritual to purchase the weekly morning and evening newspapers . Not forgetting the Saturday and Sunday newspapers. You would read your paper on the way to work . And the days news on the way home from work.

But all that changed when the print media took a huge jump to the right resulting in a very right wing print media . Especially when it came to the Murdoch Media newspapers.

The Australian, the so called flagship of the Newscorp stable of newspapers, prints day after day Liberal Party propaganda dressed up as news. It is thought by many that The Australian should change its name to 'The new conservative" such is it's abject bias.

But the elite folks in the Newscorp Board Room just don't get it . This starts at top with Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan Murdoch actually believing Australians want this daily serving of right wing rubbish and their blind support of Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party.

Australian's are heartily sick and tired of the bias and the radical right wing propaganda columns emanating from uncle Ruperts minions which tell us to worship the Daggy Dad and atrocious cubby house "builder" Scott Morrison.

The unquestioning blind support for a PM and government that is so corrupt and so out of touch with the people , is reprehensible at best , and most likely criminal.

Newscorp's demise cannot come soon enough for humanity.


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