We read with great interest Rod Myer’s TND article about Australia’s confusing China stance. Whilst we agree that Morrison and his government have completely botched our trading relationship, the sale of Australian businesses and when it comes right down to it, our water rights, our precious agricultural land, our power grids and gas pipelines, are another matter.
We feel that Frydenberg in the case of several bids for Australian companies, has done the wise thing in rejecting Chinese buyouts. ASIO have already declared the security risks involved and we should not be selling up to a Communist regime such as the CCP. The risk is real.
What is not real, is the claimed similarity with Japanese ownership of companies such as Lion Dairy. Japan has bought out several Australasian brands but Japan is NOT a security risk to us. The article wrongly, we believe, draws a direct comparison between China and Japan. This is simply wrong. We should be getting closer to Japan and anyone else who poses no security risk and who wants to trade with us.
The US has indeed been a background to our trade relation problems. But the article didn’t mention the link between our coal ships sitting at anchor while Morrison’s bosom buddy Trump profits from the sale of their coal. Morrison, in alienating one trade partner, has played into the hands of our closest ally.
The main confusion in our China relationship that we can see, is Frydenberg’s variable attitude – he permits some purchases and blocks others. He needs to have a uniform approach. So, he should never have sold the likes of Bellamys to Mengniu Dairy.
China will continue to play its mind games with Morrison but China and Xi Jinping will be in no hurry to deal with Morrison again until they absolutely have to. The chances are though that they may not have to wait that long if we go to the polls later this year!